Research Groups
Materials Science and Engineering research groups

BBT - Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering
The BBT’s main scientific goal is the development of biomaterials for tissue and organs regeneration/functional repair, from a basic scientific approach to an applied point of view, by transferring the generated knowledge to bio companies and hospitals.
Responsible: PhD. Maria Pau Ginebra
Tel.: 00 34 93 401 77 06

BOBI - Bioinspired Oral Biomaterials and Interfaces
It conducts its research at the interface between materials science and biology, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, medicine and dentistry. They investigate biological systems and draw inspiration from nature to design, develop and apply advanced biomaterials for human tissue repair and regeneration. They perform physical and (bio)chemical modifications of biomaterial surfaces to investigate and target specific interactions at the bio/non-bio interface.
Responsible: PhD. Conrado Aparicio
Tel.: 00 34 93 401 73 97

CDAL -Light Alloys and Surface Treatments Design Centre
The aim is to contribute to industrial development by fostering innovation and incorporating new technologies, as strategies for competitiveness, in the fields of light alloys and surface engineering.
Responsible: Dra. Maite Baile
Tel.: 00 34 93 896 7212

CIEFMA - Center for Research in Structural Integrity, Reliability and Micromechanics of Materials
CIEFMA is a consolidated research group of the UPC with the aim of carrying out basic science and industrial research applied to the field of structural integrity, micromechanics and reliability of engineering materials.
Responsible: PhD. Luís Llanes

Responsible: PhD. M.Lluïsa Maspoch

InSup - Surface Interaction in Bioengineering and Materials Science Research Group
InSup focuses its activity in the fields of Bioengineering and Materials Science. InSup carries out experimental and theoretical research applied to the study of fluid, mechanical and mechano-electrical interactions at surfaces and interfaces. The group's research topics fall into two main lines of research: Solid-liquid interaction and Solid-solid interaction.
Responsible: PhD. Enrique Fernàndez Aguado

POLY2 - Polyfunctional polymeric materials
The research revolves around the development of polymer-based materials with sets of properties that simultaneously provide them with structural and other non-mechanical functionalities based on high transport properties. Consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR-2014-1495).
Responsible: PhD. J.Ignacio Velasco

PROCOMAME - Conformation Processes of Metallic Materials
PROCOMAME group focuses on characterising the plastic deformation behaviour of metals (mostly under hot working conditions) as well as defining processing routes based on severe plastic deformation techniques to obtain metal materials with nanometric grain sizes.
Responsible: PhD. José M. Cabrera
Textile Engineering research group

TECTEX-Textile Tecnology Research Group
Research support

Electron Microscopy
University and industrial research in the field of electron microscopy focused on the study of surfaces, defects, wear, fatigue, fractures, etc., of metallic, ceramic, polymeric materials, etc.

Technical and scientific services
UPC research groups have a wide variety of hardware of various characteristics and offer this service for university and industrial research testing and analysis.
Other Research Centers with the participation of CEM staff
Several of the Department's researchers also participate in specific research centres, which are singular units with their own outreach whose primary function is to respond to demands made by external public or private entities in specific research fields: