TECTEX : Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria Tèxtil
El personal del SAET realitza la seva activitat investigadora en el TECTEX, Grup de Recerca UPC. La recerca es desenvolupa en els seus laboratoris i tallers , amb un equipament de Tecnologia Tèxtil especialitzat.
Centres de Recerca
Projecte Erasmus +

The project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” constitutes the first step into a new dynamic sustainable community of diverse private/public actors committed to support skills development and employment opportunities across EU in the Textile, Clothing, Leather, Footwear and Leather Goods sector, which are indispensable to innovate and produce high-added value products.
The project aims to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the EU Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors through the development of a sustainable upskilling and reskilling strategy, which is supported by a communication campaign to attract social, economic and political actors.
- The identification of concrete actions and tools in order to anticipate and match skills’ supply with demand,
- The improvement of skills intelligence and information mechanisms by creating networks and partnerships,
- The enhancement the attractiveness of the sector to engage newcomers, families, companies, and policy makers at regional, national and EU levels,
- The creation of a network of VET providers, public authorities, and other stakeholders working together on skills development for the modernisation and growth of these sectors,
- The engagement of regions and private stakeholders promoting skills and innovation in TCLF sectors in order to ensure the project outcomes sustainability.
Responsables equip UPC
- José Antonio Tornero i Mònica Ardanuy
Codi projecte: PROJECT NUMBER – 591986-EPP-1-2017-1-BE-EPPKA2-SSA-B
Dates: Data inici: Gener 2018/Data finalització: Desembre 2021